Tuesday, May 14, 2013

How to Save Money on your Car Insurance


Welcome to the car insurance guru daily blog!

Here you will find hints and tips on how to save money on your car insurance, this is information that the insurers don't want you to know and can possibly save you thousands!

They say knowledge is power and once you have this knowledge the scales will be tipped massively in your favour, meaning yourself and millions of others are able to save thousands of pounds over your life time.

I will be keeping you informed of special deals, discounts, insurance news and providing you with the answers you need.

Once empowered with this knowledge we can put you in touch with an independent broker who will search the market and find you the best possible deals. Whereas direct insurers care about how much premium  they are charging and comparison sites who manipulate search results depending on what service the insurers pay for and are mostly  owned by insurers! Brokers are paid a fixed percentage per lead that converts so are only interested in getting the best deal for you to secure your business.


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